Friday, June 24, 2011

Can't Stop Smiling

My alarm went off at 5:05 a.m. this morning (a time that my dad likes to call "0 dark thirty"), which I deeply regretted for the first five minutes afterward.  However, once I reached my intended destination, I could not stop smiling.  What was the cause for such incredible happiness at such an unholy hour?  None other than the Jordan River Temple.  (This calls into question my use of the word unholy :))  I hadn't been to the temple for a couple of weeks since it was closed for cleaning.  This morning, from the moment I arrived until the moment I left, I almost never stopped smiling.  The peace and Spirit at the temple is so incredible, and the wonderful temple workers there just added to the serenity.  When one of the temple workers asked me how long my family had been doing this regular Friday morning temple trip, I had to stop and think for a minute, and I realized it has been about six years!  My older brother and I started going together when I was nearly fifteen, and each of my siblings has joined in when each has turned twelve.  What a wonderful tradition!  I hope my younger siblings keep it going all through until they themselves move out, and I fully intend to continue my weekly trips (or at least regular trips) whenever possible, even though they won't always involve the baptistry.  Needless to say, that was a wonderful way to start the day.

But the smiling didn't stop there.  Two hours after I got home from the temple, I arrived at work to start off a day that would turn out to have a great deal of smiling, laughter, and fun.  How can you not smile and laugh when you have eight beautiful babies who smile, giggle, babble, squirm, and wiggle their way into your heart?  Have I ever mentioned before that I love my job?  :)

As if I hadn't already had enough joy and happiness for one day, I had the wonderful opportunity to go to a wedding luncheon for one of my best friends.  Cordie and I have known each other since middle school, and we have had a lot of incredible times together with our mutual friend Natalie.  The three of us were practically inseparable through a good part of our middle and high school years.  Unfortunately, with Natalie attending BYU-Idaho, me attending BYU-Provo, and Cordie staying put, we lost direct touch with each other and only occasionally communicated through text, e-mail, Facebook, and the occasional phone call.  I knew nothing of Cordie's relationship with her now-husband until she told me she was engaged.  I've now vowed that I will keep in better touch with people; let's see how long that lasts.  But for now, it was absolutely wonderful to see Cordie, who seems so deliriously happy.  And it was also wonderful to see Natalie, who was also at the luncheon.  Perhaps now that we're all a little closer together, we'll be able to see each other more.

With all of the smiling I've been doing today, I have to believe that this is the start to a wonderful weekend.  Or maybe I'm just being prepared for something horrible to happen later on.  :)  Either way, I'm grateful for this day and the joy it has brought to me.

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